FREE PSP Go System
Hey everybody!
It's been a really long time since I've used this blog. I think it's time to dust it off, and with dusting comes new things that I have found on the internet in my solitude.
So, when the PSP hand held system came out, it was a must have for any kid, tween, and grown adult. It could watch movies, play your favorite video games. And it was extremely functional, but a little pricey.
Afterward, the PSP Go system came out, which doesn't seem to be quite as popular but it still works like the PSP did.
But what I really don't understand is why this screen isn't touch-sensitive. Especially when the slider is closed, I want to flick and zoom through webpages, the PS store and the XMB. More than once I've attempted the feat, only to remember, what the shit, this huge screen isn't touch capable.
So closed, the PSPgo can't really be navigated. Scratch that. You can accidentally hit LB to restart your movie—a function you'll use frequently—if by accident.
It should be noted that Bluetooth also allows you to use a SIXAXIS/Dual Shock 3 controller with the Go. Syncing is easy and the system works perfectly, but consider the practical ergonomics for a moment. You end up balancing the Go on your lap in this really awkward way.
Looking at the design, a conspiracy theory pops in my head. The PSPgo was the template for the PSP2. Open, it had dual analogs. Closed, it had a touchscreen. Somewhere inside, it had a faster processor, more RAM and, hell, maybe even 3G or something. Maybe it was machined of metal and could be thrown like a ninja star. Regardless of this theory's truth, we're stuck with the Go as-is.
So, the PSP go's ergonomics are.. questionable. But there is more to it than it's sidekick like appearance.
Honestly, the hardware is only half of what holds the PSPgo back from being something better. It's the aging PSP software full of unfixed nagging points, like that Wi-Fi doesn't connect automatically upon startup, typing is still done through that horrible phone-dial-like interface and lack of support for background downloading from the PS Store.
Yes, while the PS3 allows you to download games and movies while performing other tasks, the PSPgo is stuck monotasking during downloads. Oh, and if your PSP dies before you've finished that 1.6GB movie download—which takes a while over the Go's slow 802.1b Wi-Fi—you get to start all over. (Also, while it's nice of Sony to keep compression levels low, SD quality movies on portables need smaller files sizes than this for people to watch movies on the go.)
The browser is absolutely archaic. Beyond tedious analog nub navigation, the Go ran out of RAM while loading Gizmodo just like it had before on the original PSP...just like is prone to occurring on the PS3. Sony has advertised a browser on multiple systems that doesn't really work, and that's just ridiculous.
PSP Minis, or tiny apps like you see on the iPhone (in some cases, exactly like you see on the iPhone), are on their way. But the limitations are strict, meaning that even the games ported from the iPhone could be missing functions like networking. And how big or wonderful will the catalog be if Sony can barely recruit studios to develop for the PSP as it is now? (Sony has catalog of 225 PSPgo games that will be downloadable over PC or Wi-fi at launch.)
Also, you may not have heard about one key software feature. When you close the PSPgo from the XMB, a clock appears on screen. Thank goodness, because I've been needing one of those!
It's battery life.. is well, to say the least slightly disappointing to it's comparable counterpart PSP, and the Nintendo DS
Running for only 4 hours and 47 minutes with all the works going. The DS and even the PSP can hold a charge longer than that.
My recommendation? Don't get the PSP Go, but instead go for the PSP. While I don't have a link for that offhand, I'll be sure to update with one later on.
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